Tables 14 and 15 A1-A2 and B1-B2 show the results of the 1D profile fits with the weighted and an unweighted Generalized Gaussian and Sérsic Law respectively. The artificial galaxy for the fit has the input parameters = 3,
= 2.0 and
= 4.0, with a truncation at 2.5
, depicting an ideal thick disk galaxy. Two
values are used: 7.4 and 8.4 mag arcsec
. We do this to compare the behaviour of the fit for different depths.
is the central surface brightness.
What you see immediately is that there is rarely any difference between the 's of both methods, showing they fit evenly well and that using either model suffices with the main differences the parameter results. There are significant differences between the
values of the weighted and the unweighted Generalized Gaussian. A similar thing can be said for the Sérsic Law. At
= 7.4 the Sérsic Law shows a typical growing trend of a larger scaleheight with radius, as expected from the thick disk's larger scalelength. At
= 8.4 however, the scaleheight is decreasing with radius. There are also notable differences between the results of the weighted and the unweighted fit, which would not have been expected, as the artificial galaxies provide smooth profiles that are easy to fit. A profile and fit with the weighted Generalized Gaussian is shown in figure 8, A profile and fit with the weighted Sérsic Law is shown in figure 9. Both have
set at 7.4 mag arcsec
. In the inner part a stronger up-bending can been seen, while both fitting functions cannot reproduce the bending to the thick disk component very well.
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Notes: (1)(6) See Section 3.6 for the defitinion. (2)(7) Radial position of the profile. (3)(8) Central surface brightness. (4) Width of the distribution. (5) Shape parameter. (9) Halflight radius. (10) Power law index. |
Notes: See Table 15 for a description |