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Intrinsic values of the 2D two disk results

Table 12 shows the results and input parameters of our fits converted to intrinsic sizes together with the thin and thick disk values of the Milky Way in the near-infrared (see Ojha 2001) for comparison. Additionally the ratio between the total luminosity of the thick and the thin disk is given. The luminosity ratios were determined with the formula

L_{\textrm{\scriptsize tot}}\ =\ 4\pi h^2 z_0 L_0\ ,
\end{displaymath} (16)

taken from Van der Kruit & Searle (1981a), where $h$ is the scalelength, $z_0$ the scaleheight and $L_0$ the central luminosity, calculating the total luminosity for the thick and the thin disk and dividing them. The average luminosity ratio is 0.21 $\pm$ 0.13. It has to be noted for equation 16 it is assumed that there is no truncation over the radius, causing the total luminosity to be overestimated. As we use a ratio of two total luminosities, this value is not much effected by this overestimation.
Most of our thick disk component have a higher scaleheight than the Milky Way. It only resembles our galaxies with the lowest thick scaleheight. NGC 5290, which in mass and size can be compared best to our Milk Way is far more extended than the Milky Way for its thin and thick disk components.



Galaxy Filter $z_n$ $z_k$ $h_n$ $R_{\textrm{\scriptsize min}}$ $R_{\textrm{\scriptsize max}}$ $z_{\textrm{\scriptsize min}}$ $L_k/L_n$
    [pc] [pc] [kpc] [kpc] [kpc] [pc]  
IC 3322A J 300 1030 2.0 2.4 47.3 360 0.20
IC 3322A K' 250 1780 1.7 2.4 47.3 180 0.23
NGC 2424 J 840 5810 5.2 7.3 145.1 1330 0.16
NGC 2591 K' 460 2280 2.8 1.4 9.1 430 0.45
NGC 5290 J 900 6510 4.8 6.4 62.5 770 0.46
NGC 5290 K' 850 6490 4.9 6.4 62.5 870 0.22
NGC 5981 J 520 1730 4.1 4.0 41.0 380 0.17
NGC 1886 J 300 1280 2.0 1.6 5.8 320 0.07
NGC 1886 K' 270 800 1.9 1.6 5.8 320 0.16
UGC 4277 J 1190 7720 8.4 5.9 22.9 1160 0.06
UGC 4277 K' 960 7220 7.7 5.9 22.9 1160 0.13
NGC 4179 V 610 2150 1.9 3.0 6.5 350 1.11
Milky Way NIR 260 860 2.8        
Notes: See Table 12 for a description. $L_k/L_n$ is the ratio of central luminosities of the thick and the thin disk.

The luminosity ratios are in three of four cases higher in the K'-band except for NGC 5290. This is also the only galaxy where the scalelength of the thin disk is smaller in the J-band than the K'-band, which is quite unexpected, as it is commonly found to be larger in the J-band. The luminosity ratio given by Pohlen et. al (2004) for lenticular galaxies is somewhat lower than ours: 0.81 to 1.11. Yoachim & Dalcanton (2006) find thin disk scaleheights around that of the Milky Way (200-1000 pc). Only those of the high-mass galaxies are higher (800-1100 pc). This result is somewhat strange, as the Milky Way is a high-mass galaxy. Their thick disk scaleheights (600-1100 pc) are similar to the Milky Way's thick disk scale-height, their high-mass galaxies still giving higher values (1100-1400 pc). Only our galaxies with less prominent bulges, IC 3322A and NGC 5981, represent their results but NGC 5981 is more massive, and thus does not seems to represent mass and scaleheight coupling of Yoachim & Dalcanton (2006) that well. Overall most of our galaxies give much larger scaleheights for the thin and the thick disk.

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O.A. van den Berg 2006-09-05