Two galaxies were selected for a test of the 1D constrained two disk fit. We selected on the basis of a clearly present thick disk component in the profiles, but with a low thick disk scaleheight. IC 3322A and NGC 5981, both in the J-band, were chosen. An outer limit was determined by comparing the shape and extent of the different vertical profiles to see where the noise clearly started to dominate. For both galaxies
was set at 30 arcseconds. No lower surface brightness limit was set as the fit is weighted with the intensities.
is the same for the 2D Two Disk fit (see Table 11), determined at where the flattening of the inner part of the profile started, which is approximately equal to two times the FWHM. For each quadrant we determined the average or mean, depending if they deviated by more than 0.3 arcseconds, of
for each cut by selecting 4-5 datapoints of the inner part of the profile and fitting a linear slope to it. The thin disk scaleheight is given in the title of each subtable of Tables 8 and 9.
Notes: (1) See Section 3.6 for the defitinion. (2) central radial position of the bin. (3) Thin disk central surface brightness. (4) Thick disk central surface brightness. (5) Thick disk/thin disk scaleheight ratio. * cuts not taken into account for determining the average parameters. |
The results are shown in Table 8 and 9 for IC 3322A and NGC 5981 respectively. The tables are set in sets of four, for each quadrant of the galaxy. For IC 3322A J we found an average of 3.9
0.4 arcseconds and an average
of 3.7
1.2 with an average
of 3.0
0.7 mag arcsec
. We chose to represent
as this value gives a good indication of the brightness difference between the thin and the thick disk. For NGC 5981 J we found a
of 3.1
0.4 arcseconds and a
of 3.9
1.7 with a
of 3.7
1.0 mag arcsec
The cuts in the tables marked with a * were not used to determine the average parameter values as they either contained background structure making too large to be trustworthy, were partially masked or contained other irregularities that made the fit doubtful. We were not able to fit all profiles due to residual background structures or too heavy irregularities in the profile.
One can clearly see a lot of variation in the results and that the results are very sensitive to the local intrinsic vertical structure of the galaxy. It is hard to see any trends, especially in the case of NGC 5981 which has many cuts which could not be fitted.
Notes: See Table 9 for a description. |