To obtain an indication of the quality of our fitting method and the resulting parameters we selected three artifical galaxies. One with is 4, = 2.5 and = 6, one with is 3, = 1.0 and = 2 and one with is 2, = 1.5 and = 2.5. We set the difference between the central magnitude and
at 7.4 mag arcsec.
To test the influence of disk truncation our radial parameters values two types of model galaxies were created: one with a disk truncation and one without. We use a version without truncation because the Bessel function, which uses line-of-sight integration, assumes the radial behaviour stays the same between = 0 until , but this is of course not how a typical galaxy behaves radially. The first two galaxies were used for these for different fits. On both galaxy models two 2D Two Disk models were applied: The two dimensional exponential fitting function and the two dimensional Bessel fitting function.
The third galaxy resembles one of the sample galaxies by Yoachim & Dalcanton (2006) to see how our fitting function would respond to such a case.